We’ve started work in earnest on the greenhouse. The great thing about the cement work on this is that it is the same process we’ll be using on the exterior of the houses. This gives us a chance to practice techniques and also an opportunity to try out colors, etc. before committing on the house.
Here is a column before we started:
The first step was to prime the cement block that was there. (This is a part I’m very good at.)
Then comes mixing the cement. Another part I’m good at. (It’s hard work though. I couldn’t help thinking how useful a couple big teenage boys would be.)
Then we spread the cement on. I’m very bad at this and find it extremely frustrating. Brad tells me I’ll get better at it. When I think of doing this over two whole houses, I want to cry.
Then you float the surface and finish the corners. I can see getting good at this.
The last step will be a finish coat stucco. We’re looking at colors now.