Life is good

Written by karen on May 30th, 2010

Things are going great. We are almost moved in and doing lots of work on the house (and feeling sorry we don’t have time to blog more about it).

Complicating things this weekend are the facts that we signed up to run the farm stand this week while the farmers were away at a family wedding  (and I baked 10 loaves of bread, all of which was sold)  and that there is a major fire in our canyon and because we do the Portal Rescue web site, we’ve had some additional time-sensitive work to do related to that. Both of these bits of work seem gratifying and important though. (The fire is in our own Horseshoe Canyon and the apparently one of the biggest in the state in a long time — 450 firefighters from all over involved — but we are in no immediate danger. The big concern is that the fire has been moving toward the town of Portal — which is away from us but where the most people are.)

Anyway, we’ve been finishing the tile (stay tuned for pics soon), finishing the kitchen cabinets, and moving lots and lots of stuff.  We’re sleeping in the new house all the time now, but still showering in the old house for now. :)

We love the new house so much. It is quiet at night, and we’ve both been sleeping great. The airflow in the house is amazing. And there has been about a 20 degree differential between daytime temperatures inside and outside. Given that it has been over 100 this week and we have no air conditioning, that is wonderful.


Week in review

Written by karen on May 26th, 2010

Here are the highlights from the last few days.

Last week, we got a few loads of furniture out of storage, moved a bed and couches into the house, and spent our first couple nights there.


On Saturday, we went to Tucson to get the rest of the tile to finish the shower. We also got a beautiful refrigerator, some more cabinets, and various other stuff. It was a long but productive day. We felt a little like the Beverly Hillbillies with everything tied up in back of the truck to come home.


This is the biggest fridge I've ever had. Brad got us one that uses less power than a 60 watt lightbulb.

On Tuesday, we had a big adventure (and one we hope not to repeat anytime soon). We were working late at the house, and close to sunset, I went outside and saw a little baby cow near the gate. (There are tons of baby animals everywhere now. They are so cute.) Brad came out, and I told him to look at the cute calf. “Oh my god, there are cows everywhere,” he screamed. Yes, a half dozen or so big cows and their babies had gotten in the gate. Ugh. We spent the next hour or so running at top speed trying to round them up and get them out the gate. Forty acres is really big when you’re trying to herd cows on foot and get them out an eight-foot fence. Amazingly, we were successful. And very tired. We’ll be closing the gate more from now on.

Wednesday we had the work phone lines transferred to the new office and got Internet in. Having phone work done here is always a little scary, but so far so good. (I’m actually posting this from the house.)

We also got our desks set up, and the office is looking great. It will be so good to be all in one place soon!


Brad's desk

my desk (with the killer view down the canyon)

my desk (with the killer view down the canyon)

conference table

conference table

This weekend is the big moving weekend. Wish us luck.


Some finishing details

Written by karen on May 17th, 2010

One of the few sad parts of the construction process has been what it did to our (formerly) beautiful floors. This weekend, as we finished the back two rooms, Brad scrubbed the floors and put on another couple coats of sealer. Presto! Our beautiful floors are back!

I’m also really happy with how the cove came out. We fussed over it a lot. I’ll write more about how we ended up doing it in a couple weeks when I have time.

Tonight, we made a trip to Willcox to get some of our furniture out of storage. Very exciting!

And look who was back in our oak tree this week. All grown up now! (Baby pics here in case you missed them last year.)



Written by brad on May 15th, 2010

We took care of a few necessities recently. We now have hot water and a working range.

There was a little drama involving the hot water. At one point I thought the plumbing was messed up. It turned out that the shower, in its interim state, mixes the hot and cold water together. This means that shutting off the hot water at the water heater does not turn off the hot water at the tap. That was disconcerting. Also, it caused the water flow through the tankless water heater to be so little that the water heater wouldn’t activate. Once I fixed this all worked quite well.

The range was fairly easy. It uses little igniters to light the burners so has no pilot light. We should sip from our 500 gallon propane tank.

I have noticed that our constant electrical draw is increasing. We’re up to about 150 watts as a minimum and 1000ish as a maximum.


No white walls in this house

Written by karen on May 12th, 2010

These are some of the accent walls.

Purple accent wall in the yoga room (aka temp. living room)

Purple accent wall in the yoga room (aka temp. living room)

Brad in library (aka office) archway

Brad in library (aka office) archway

This is the color of the non-wacky-accent-colored walls. It’s a kind of latte-with-a-lot-of-cream color.

Brad w/library (aka office) archway

And here is what my skip troweled texture looks like.


Brad proves his reputation as a master tiler

Written by karen on May 11th, 2010
our shower floor

our shower floor


Some color!

Written by karen on May 10th, 2010

All the priming is done, and the kitchen and bathroom were the first rooms to get paint!


Painting the town

Written by karen on May 5th, 2010

We had a fun day today tmaking a trip to Silver City and our friend Mattie at Material Good to buy paint! We are using YOLO paint, a zero-VOC, eco-friendly line and have chosen some bold colors for accent walls. I’m excited to see how it works out.

Yesterday, we began texturizing the walls after finally finishing all the taping and sanding. We had evaluated several options for this, including paint additives and a spray on/knock down product. I love the look of skip troweling though, but was not confident about trying it until Brad convinced me to try it in the ever-experimental workshop and storage rooms.

Skip troweling is a little artistic for me, but we had learned how to do it at our clay workshop (which Mattie reminded us today was almost a year ago!). I liked doing it but wasn’t sure how it would look. Because the mud is a different color than the drywall, it’s almost impossible to tell what it will look like while you’re doing it.

So this afternoon, after we got home from Silver City, we went right over to the property to put on a coat of primer and see how it looks. We finished in the dark, and so I’m not quite sure, but I think it looks good. We’ll know for sure tomorrow.

On other fronts, I have a big project for work that I’ve been waiting for for months and has finally come in. It is work I am excited about doing, but it is a very fast deadline and a lot of work. And in June, I have a lot of work-related travel as well.

Still, we are committed to moving in to the house in May. We really only have a few relatively minor “must do” things left (hook up the gas, tile the shower…paint would be nice) so it is looking good.

With all of this going on though, my writing time on the blog the next 6 weeks or so is going to have to be more limited. I will continue to post major news and pictures (which take very little time for me), but you faithful readers will have a little break from the long ramblings. :)


Blood, sweat, and yes, even tears

Written by karen on April 30th, 2010

Last Thursday, we were feeling pretty good about things. We had gotten through a week and a half of hard work, with much help from my dad, to get through everything that we’d been told we needed for our conditional occupancy certificate — and that’s what we needed for a significant tax break that runs out on April 30. The completed work included getting all the dry wall hung and getting a sink and toilet operational. We called for the inspection on Friday, figuring we’d still have a week if any small changes were needed.

So, Friday comes and goes. No inspector comes. We call. They don’t know anything about it. The inspection is rescheduled for Monday. That should still be fine. We have a relatively restful weekend and even take a day off on Sat. to take Dad up to the monument.

Monday comes. The inspector arrives this time, does the inspection, and gets out his camera and starts taking pictures of everything. This can’t be good. He says that dry wall and a sink and toilet are not the requirements for an occupancy certificate. (In fact, he doesn’t even look at the sink or toilet.)  No amount of explanation or cajoling has an effect on him. Instead, he leaves us with a failed inspection and a vague list of many, many things that need to be done including putting up the ceiling and having everything basically finished including a kitchen, counters and all. Deflated, we ask for a specific list to evaluate whether this is even possible. He says someone will call us later. They do and again say that the house needs to be basically finished “except for cosmetic things” like trim. They say it in a way that makes it clear they think there is no way to do this in 5 days.

We spend an hour expressing anti-government sentiment, asking each other questions like how can they require things like that you must have a stove and counter-tops. What if you only eat raw food? What if you barbecue all your food? Of course, it doesn’t matter.

In thinking about if this is possible (we had already decided previously that if they were going to make us put up the ceiling, we’d be unable to do it in time….but there was really a lot of money on the table with this), I called to check on our stove. We knew it had been in Tucson for a week or so, and they were having problems getting it to Portal. When I called, they said that, in fact, they could not deliver it to Portal. They claimed that no trucking line would deliver here. Really?!?!? We get deliveries here all the time. No matter, if we wanted our stove, we were going to have to go get it.

I was already committed to some work at a school on Tues., so Brad took the day to go to Tucson to get our stove, kitchen cabinets, and various other things that we thought we needed to get the job done. We decided to try it.

Wed. and Thurs. were long 18 hour days with lots of hard work and some other challenges thrown in. On Wed. the wind started to come up. And I mean it really blew. We heard from someone who has lived here a long time that it was the hardest gales they’d seen in 20 years. A large tree where we are living (not our property) was uprooted, and at our house, 16 foot boards were blowing around like paper.

Fortunately, most of our work was inside, except for carrying lots of lumber inside. We did set up the chop saw in the house though. At one point in the evening, I went out and something blew into my eye, causing me about 24 hours of excruciating pain. All better now though. We also had some kind of mosquito infestation. As usual, I was the target of choice, and every square inch of my body is covered with bites right now.

Still, we pressed on, though I wondered several times if this was the best course of action. On Thursday, we called for another inspection. (I called to confirm in the afternoon and again, they had no record of our call. Sheesh.) By about 1am this morning, we had the whole ceiling up, the light fixtures all operational, and the kitchen plumbing mostly done. Of course, there was one more part we still needed, so we got up at 6am to head over to Animas for the needed part. That should still have given us time before the inspector arrived (which could be anything between 9:30 or so and 4).

One of the things that we’d been told we needed was outside lighting. I know there are lighting restrictions here, but vaguely remembered that dim bulbs were ok. I meant to check the details but somehow forgot. Big mistake. On Friday morning at about 7, I checked the Internet and found that the county requires completely shielded lighting on all lights within 25 feet of the house (and you can’t not have lights — basically, they require lighting that doesn’t really produce any light.)

We decide that a last-minute trip to Douglas was needed, since we knew they were going to check this. I drive at maniacal speeds and then find out that no one in Douglas (including WalMart … that’s how desperate I am) has this kind of light. (After all, who would want a light that doesn’t really make light? On the other hand, it is a county-wide ordinance, albeit apparently one that no one follows. I even checked all the lights around the house where we are living, thinking I could scavenge. No luck.) I call Brad. He has a brilliant idea: Buy coffee cans and we’ll cut them to shield the light fixtures we have.  I do so and then race back.

When I arrive back at the house, coffee cans in hand, at about 10am, Brad walks down the driveway to meet me.

“The inspector has been here and left and gave us final approval.”

What? FINAL??? We weren’t even asking for that; we just wanted the occupancy permit.

I am in shock. Brad is so tired he can barely be happy about it.

I’d like to say that it’s amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it, but the plain and simple truth is that the inspection process is completely random, and we got lucky. I’ll take luck any day though.

wood plank ceiling

(tile counter to come)


We have functional plumbing!

Written by karen on April 22nd, 2010

We’ve been waiting a long time for this!

This is our beautiful new sink. (The plywood part will be tiled over in cobalt blue to match the shower.)



Brad did such a fantastic job on this! And having Dad here to help has been great. We have all the drywall taped and sanded (first pass); a couple more passes to go, but we’re feeling great about the progress this week.