Hot, hot, hot

Written by karen on June 21st, 2021

As you may have heard, it’s hot here. Really hot. 

It’s often hot here in the summer, but never like this that we remember. A few days ago, we had a day where our outside thermometer read 118 degrees (in the sun). It has been over 100 every day for more than a week. 

Being off the grid, we have no air conditioning, but in the past have been able to moderate the temperature pretty well with careful attention to raising and lowering blinds at key times and opening and closing the windows to get the cool night air in and keep the hot day air out. Generally, as long as it gets to 70 or so at night, we can cool the house down sufficiently and then keep a good differential during the day. With the insulation we have, this typically means a 20-30 degree difference between inside and outside temperatures during the day.

In this stretch though, we’ve had nights that haven’t gotten out of the 90s until 4am and then only for an hour or two. When this is the case day after day, it can result in inside temperatures that don’t get below the mid 80s or so. This week, it has been up to 90+ inside at times. I find that high 80s are about where I’m saying enough. It’s been challenging.

We’ve made some adjustments like putting up reflective sheets of cardboard inside the shades, and we have ideas for other modifications we can do if necessary.

We’re waiting to see how long this goes on. The forecast doesn’t look good temperature-wise, though there is a 25% chance of rain midweek. Fingers crossed.


The next phase

Written by karen on June 7th, 2021

You may remember that about five years ago, we were given a small greenhouse which we took down from it’s former location and reassembled on our property (the “cussingest project ever“). 

We’ve grown a lot of food in that little greenhouse, but over time, the plastic panels began to come apart. We replaced some of them and taped together or caulked others. With the unrelenting strong winds we get here, this has been getting more challenging. Also the beautiful new clear plastic corrugated roof panels we put in turned black and warped due to the extreme heat here.



So we’ve been stripping off all the panels and thinking about how to repurpose this space. Our original thought was to cover it with hardware cloth and make it another bed for asparagus, but we’ve also been thinking about making it a part of some outdoor living space we’ve been contemplating. Stay tuned for where we go with this.


Easing into summer

Written by karen on May 31st, 2021

There has been another fire in Horseshoe Canyon this month (the Warren fire), which has brought lots of firefighters and jets doing retardant drops. While it’s been windy, there have been enough breaks for the planes to get in, which has helped a lot. At this point, the fire is about 50% contained, and they are starting to reallocate resources.

Other than that, it’s been a pleasant spring here, cooler than usual. We’ve had lots of beautiful birds and have seen three gila monsters, including a mating pair.

The garden is doing well. I’ve been focusing on our soil and have begun doing some in-bed composting in the beds I am resting. It seems to be working well. 

We are also beginning a project I have wanted to do for some time — rain water harvesting. I have talked to people who harvest rain water for all their water needs (washing, drinking, garden, etc.) even with rainfall as low as ours. (We get about 15-20 inches a year, though that varies considerably.) The trick is to have a very big tank. There are calculators for the tank size you need based on average rainfall, peak rainfall in volume per unit of time, and collection area.

To date, we’ve just done very small collection with buckets under the roofline. We’re going to expand this gradually, starting with new gutters and a small-ish thousand or so gallon used tank that we were given. Then after we get this installed and working, we can add things like a larger tank and possibly plumbing and a pump out to the garden. 

The last year and a half has made me reflect more on our impact on the environment. I like this approach to projects, starting small with recycled materials and then scaling up as appropriate. 



Jack Fire

Written by karen on April 23rd, 2021

Wednesday morning, I went out to hang laundry and saw smoke from a fire back in our canyon. With very high winds and a red flag warning all week, I immediately called the forest service. Within a couple hours fire crews and air support were on their way. By Wednesday evening, the fire had grown to 800 acres. 

This is the first major fire for this season, so it’s gotten a lot of press coverage even in Tucson. As a result, people have been calling to check on how I am and offer me a place to stay if I need it. Very kind, but also a little anxiety producing.

They’ve been very aggressive with DC-10 retardant drops, and this morning, things are looking better. As of last night, the fire was at 2,000 acres but hadn’t traveled north much so the outlook is good for now. (You might remember that a few years ago a fire in the same place and in similar weather traveled about 100 miles and burned for six weeks. No one wants that to happen again.)

I fear that this is part of the “new normal,” but for now, we are safe and sound.



Written by karen on April 16th, 2021

It’s spring here, one of my favorite times of year. With COVID and other things that happened last year, it feels like it’s been two years or more since we’ve enjoyed spring.

I have lots of tomato starts in the house right now and am staring to put them out to harden. They are looking especially strong, and I’m hopeful for a good garden year despite forecasts for little rain. Spring is always the season for hope!

Currently, we are harvesting tons of lettuce and also asparagus, kale, spinach, and chard. The garlic is going strong as well.


A year in books

Written by karen on January 3rd, 2021

This year was an uneven year of reading for me. The pandemic started with me being very unfortunately midway through The Stand. I toughed it out, but after that my reading slowed. After months of being home, I wasn’t able to focus on much, but then I jumped into some lighter fare, including a lot of Michael Connelly (Bosch). In the fall, I read quite a few food politics books as a part of an Eat Local work project I’m doing. By the end of the year, I exceeded my normal 50 books by a few.

  1. Coyote Destiny by Allen Steele
  2. Animal, Vegetable, Mineral by Barbara Kingsolver
  3. The Stand by Stephen King
  4. If You Lived Here, I’d Know Your Name by Heather Lende
  5. Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman
  6. Security by Poul Anderson
  7. The Stranger in the Woods by Michael Finkel
  8. Born with Teeth by Kate Mulgrew
  9. Navajos Wear Nikes by Jim Kristofic
  10. Little Bee by Chris Cleave
  11. Scribbling the Cat by Alexandra Fuller
  12. Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
  13. The Peripheral by William Gibson
  14. Agency by William Gibson
  15. Where the Dead Sit Talking by Brandon Hobson
  16. Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton
  17. Sundiver by David Brin
  18. 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson
  19. Heart of a Lion by William Stolzenburg
  20. The Black Echo by Michael Connelly
  21. The Guardians by John Grisham
  22. The Black Ice by Michael Connelly
  23. Clock Dance by Anne Tyler
  24. Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson
  25. My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry by Fredrik Backman
  26. Camino Winds by John Grisham
  27. The Concrete Blond by Michael Connelly
  28. The Last Coyote by Michael Connelly
  29. The Boy from the Woods by Harlan Coben
  30. Save Me the Plums by Ruth Reichl
  31. Delicious! by Ruth Reichl
  32. Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl
  33. My Kitchen Year by Ruth Reichl
  34. Not Becoming My Mother by Ruth Reichl
  35. Savage Feast by Boris Fishman
  36. Plenty by Alisa Smith and JB MacKinnon
  37. Trunk Music by Michael Connelly
  38. Eat Here by Brian Halweil
  39. Growing Tomorrow by Forrest Pritchard
  40. The Poet by Michael Connelly
  41. Local by Douglas Gayeton
  42. Blood Work by Michael Connelly
  43. Angels Flight by by Michael Connelly
  44. Slow Food Nation by Carlo Petrini
  45. A Darkness More Than Night by Michael Connelly
  46. Gaining Ground by Forrest Pritchard
  47. Void Moon by Michael Connelly
  48. City of Bones by Michael Connelly
  49. Waging Peace by Diana Oestreich
  50. Chasing the Dime by Michael Connelly
  51. Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing
  52. Earth by David Brin
  53. Each Step is the Journey by Patricia Klinck
  54. Hippie by Paulo Coelho
  55. The Dirty Life by Kristin Kimball
  56. Food from the Radical Center by Gary Nabhan


SOPA, NEPA, and more — your government at work

Written by karen on December 14th, 2020

In an otherwise rather boring month, we had a bit of activity here around a proposed change to the road into the national forest near our house.

This had come up a few years ago when there was some local discussion about an easement being purchased and thoughts that it was exorbitantly priced and some kind of boondoggle. (For those unfamiliar, an easement is a non-possessory right to cross or otherwise use someone else’s land for a specified purpose.) As a frame of reference, it was said that an easement on a three acre piece of land was being purchased for $80,000. The going rate for undeveloped land here is about $1,000 per acre. At the time, we weren’t that connected to what was going on and there was no public comment period that I was aware of. Afterward, we didn’t really hear much about it, and there was no activity on it that we were aware of.

Then last month, we heard that there was a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) proposal out for constructing a new road into Horseshoe Canyon.

As background, Horseshoe Canyon in the Chiricahua Mountains is directly to the west of us. We are about three miles from the forest service border, and we hike there regularly. Between the highway and the forest service border is mostly private land like ours. At the mouth of the canyon, there is a fence and cattle corrals which are used by a local rancher, who free ranges cattle on this side part of the year and has a lease to range them in the forest part of the year. There are currently two ways to access the forest land by vehicle: Sunrise Road (where we live) and Zent Road (one mile north of us). Both of the roads then go into Horseshoe Canyon Road through the corrals and into the canyon

The USFS proposal said that the new construction was being undertaken to “construct small sections of road to connect existing system roads to system roads that currently do not have public access due to intervening private land.” Further they said that Horseshoe Canyon ” lacks legal access.”

(Note the labeling of “Future Public Easement.” Unclear the status of this.)

This surprised me since for the twelve years we’ve lived here, there have been two roads that access the canyon and no problems with motorized access. I understand that other areas, notable the Peloncillo Mountains to the east of us, have had large amounts of public land rendered inaccessible by private land owners who have locked off access roads. However this was not the case here.

By the time we heard about this, there was a very short window for asking questions or submitting public comments. In talking with our neighbors, no one had heard about this. (The USFS says that they posted the project publicly on their web site and in some far away newspaper no one here gets, but did not contact any of the affected landowners. Like many other things, they said this was not their responsibility.) We asked for a public meeting to discuss this. We were told that would not be done. Another neighbor requested the same and got the same answer. In the meantime, we submitted comments based on the information we had. (Other public comments were typically in two categories: hunters, etc. supported the proposal and said motorized access is essential and conservationists, etc. who opposed the proposal and said no more roads were needed.) When a third (or maybe more) person asked for a public meeting, one was finally granted.

We had that meeting last week, standing outside the mouth of the canyon. There was a good sized group of people, including the most affected land owners.


The meeting was…unsatisfying. Here were some highlights:

  • The forest service District Ranger made it clear that this was all his decision and said several times said this was a done deal. (Not very helpful given that this was a meeting to discuss this with local landowners who were previously unaware of it and that the project is still in early stages of evaluation.)
  • There was considerable opaqueness and misdirection on the part of USFS.
  • There was a lot of talk about the process, why people weren’t contacted, etc. There was also a lot of confusion because the current NEPA only applies to the small piece of proposal road in the forest; the other access road will apparently be treated differently. 
  • According the District Ranger, there is no plan in place for how the new road will be paid for. (I suspect outside funding may be used as was done for the easement.)
  • Border Patrol is a significant user of this access and has said that they would not pay for maintenance of the forest road unless there was a clear public easement from the highway. (Consensus was that they would be unlikely to fund that in any event. I  agree.)
  • The easements were bought (unclear if this is all done or not) by Arizona Fish and Game in part because “it’s … frequently looked upon badly when the federal government is buying up big tracks of land.”
  • There are not only issues on the easement for the small area proposed for the new road, but also all the way down Sunrise to the highway. The District Ranger claimed that the easement did not previously exist but was recently purchased (news to us). Others claim that there is no easement. (This is something I’ll need to research.)
  • Forest Service’s plan after building the new piece of road is to make Sunrise a forest service road (one that they will have no commitment to maintain, but no one but landowners maintain it now anyway). From our perspective, this is likely to increase traffic into the canyon.
  • The key landowner is the cattle rancher who owns the corrals. (Note: He is a new owner and the easement was purchased before his ownership.) I had talked to him before the meeting and then also asked him his feelings at the meeting. He was very careful and conciliatory to say that he didn’t want to make waves and wouldn’t take a position one way or the other. However, based on his comments and the District Ranger’s mention of discussions they had prior, it was clear that he would not oppose the new road and would lock his gate when this was done. (After the meeting, I jokingly asked him if he would have sold the easement for $80k, and he said, of course.)

Based on this last point, it’s hard for me to object to the proposal formally. (I’m still thinking this through though.) It’s his land, and if he wants to lock his gate, that’s his right.

But I suspect he’s persuadable to other view points, and the real decision was made by forest service who has made a real shit show of this process.

I think building this new road is a complete waste of taxpayer money, as was the purchase of the easement. (Longer story on that which I’m not going to detail here.) There are ways to achieve everyone’s goals at a lower cost. However, like many others, the USFS seems unfamiliar with ideas of sunk costs, transparency, and consensus. Further, I think that the building the new road will be harmful to animal and plant life. In addition, it seems likely that Sunrise Road will have damage from additional water runoff.

The good news is that it seems unlikely that any construction is going to happen in the near term. My guess is that it will years. And in that time, who knows what will happen? :)



Written by karen on October 25th, 2020

We’ve had a family of three bobcats around the property this month. A mom and two little ones. Older than kittens but still very playful. One of them is especially curious. Here she is checking out the house.




Written by karen on October 21st, 2020

As I’m seeing pictures of the first snow in many parts of the country, here I staked tomatoes today. 

We had an unusually hot couple weeks (even for here) this summer that prevented my tomatoes  from fruiting. Then a couple weeks ago, we had a dramatic drop in temperatures. Since then, it’s been a pleasant 80-90 during the day and into the low 50s at night. Perfect weather. And my tomatoes have done well since then.

Next week it’s forecast to go into the low 40s, so a freeze could happen anytime. Until then though, we’re enjoying it.

In other news, we’ve been working on refinishing the outside wood doors before winter comes. The sun and wind here is very hard on exterior surfaces so there is always work to do. One new twist on this is our recently adopted cat. I didn’t designed the house with a cat in mind and having no interior doors makes it difficult to contain her. She is the best thing that’s happened to us this year though, and we aren’t complaining!

For those interested, I’m also working on a project now to encourage people here to eat local. We’re on the web, FB, and Instagram if you want to follow along. In the spring, we’ll be doing a couple “big reads” with virtual events and online discussions that anyone is welcome to join.


Garden news

Written by karen on September 5th, 2020

It hasn’t been a great year for the garden. I suspect our soil is getting “tired,” and we also had a stretch of very hot weather with little rain that challenged everyone’s growing.

Despite that, September tends to be our peak harvest for many things. Our biggest success this year has been eggplants. These Rosa Biancas are beautiful.

We also have watermelons, cantaloupes, and tomatoes coming along. And as usual, our greens have been solid all year. We’re expecting to get an unusual cool spell next week, so we’ll be planting more then for the fall and winter.

And in other news, we’ve seen another gila monster — this time right outside our house. This was a big one that appeared to be at its peak age.