Last week, we stucco’d the battery house (the first coat that is; there will be one more finish coat done in a month or so). The whole thing only took two days.
Here’s the formula:
1 part STUCCO MIX (We have a pallet full of bags of this. It’s astonishing to think how much stucco’ing we’ll be doing.)
3 parts SAND (We just got a delivery of 13 tons. Eek.)
WATER (We have lots of this.)
(This is our new cement mixer. It is so awesome! I highly recommend one of these. The small ones are quite cheap.)
This kind of stucco seemed to go on quite easy. One thing we learned was that you really want the chicken wire stapled down super-tight before you stucco.

Corners are my speciality.

The final step is troweling in a mesh fabric. It is supposed to prevent cracking. We found it super easy to work with.
Here are the final results.