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This week at the market

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

We sold out of produce at the market this week, selling cucumbers, green beans, watermelons, and some plant starts.

We were also now certified as growers under the Farmers Market Nutrition Program and WIC, enabling us to take vouchers from qualifying low income, elderly, and women with young children.

This is not something I ever imagined doing, but it’s been fun. Also, we’ve heard some interest in produce from our own local community, which is great.

Best of all, we are eating lots of fresh, naturally grown, delicious produce ourselves!

Growing something new

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

Several years ago, Brad got some stuff to grow sprouts. But alas, we never got around to it. Until now.

picture of sprouts

What’s that smell?

Friday, December 9th, 2011

At about 3:30 this morning, I awoke groggily to a faintly nutty smell. I jumped out of bed shrieking, remembering that I’d left a pan of beans on the stove all night. Oops. Poor Brad must have thought it was something much worse. At any rate, it didn’t turn out too bad. There was no water left in the pan, but only the bottom layer of beans were a bit brown. They hadn’t burned, nor was the pan ruined. Apparently, I woke up just in time.

It’s been very cold here this week. In the 20s or lower at night and cool during the days as well. For visitors coming in December or January, bring something warm!

This week I finally harvested the last of the tomatoes and pulled out the old plants. Even in the greenhouse, this cold was just too much for them. We still have greens (lettuce, tatsoi, spinach) growing though.

The seed catalog for spring just arrived, so it must be time to start planning next spring’s crops. Hmmm….


Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

We have done everything we can think of to do with apples. This has been our big project for the week.

We both peeled and cored many, many apples.


We made and froze bags and bags of apple pie filling. We also made some apple empanadas, apple scones, and apple pancakes.
Then we moved on to canning — applesauce and apple butter.

The timing of the whole canning is tricky. I used a timer and a little chart to keep track.


And we got some new tools that made this all easier.

Here are some of the results. Some of you faithful readers will be getting apple butter in the mail. :)

apple empanadas

apple empanadas

homemade bread w/cream cheese and apple butter

homemade bread w/cream cheese and apple butter

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 25th, 2010

This year I am especially thankful for:

  • spending the holidays in our lovely house
  • Brad
  • having wonderful family and friends
  • being at a point in my life to tackle writing a novel
  • living the good life in a beautiful place
  • eating healthy and making good food choices
  • the farm and other providers we’ve found that produce sustainable, compassionately-produced food
  • our health
  • enjoying eating, watching football, relaxing, and not being on an airplane today!

Wishing you all the very best for this Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving Eve sunset

Canning and marmalade

Monday, November 22nd, 2010

At the farm, Jerry frequently cans a variety of things.

I like the idea of canning. It uses up surpluses (especially when you’re so sick of whatever it is that you can’t eat another bite, but you know it will taste so good in a few months), and it doesn’t take up freezer space. And as Brad mentioned, we have a lot of green tomatoes right now. My recipe search turned up some really delicious looking jams and marmalades.

But I’ve been afraid to try canning myself. It seems scary. You know, botulism and all that. But then I read up on it and thought hey, millions of people do this, and I’m reasonably capable, so let’s give it a try.

Turns out it wasn’t really that hard.


Jars boiling in a pot I borrowed


Final product

Here’s the recipe. I used slightly less sugar and two lemons instead of one. I also cooked it for 1-1/2 hours to get it syrupy.

It was really delicious (and no one has died so far). It was so good that I even made a second batch.

After doing this and also making cheese last week, I am feeling very pioneer-like. :) What’s funny is that it is the Internet that has allowed me to learn about all these ways that people did things before “modern” times. Ironic.

(And yes, for those of you who aren’t on FB, I’ve passed the 50,000 goal on NaNoWriMo. I’m currently at a little over 68,000 words and so treated myself to a little happy blog writing as a reward.)

November 2010

Friday, November 19th, 2010

Well, it’s moving along towards winter. I just checked the outside highs and lows for the last month or so: 90f-27f. What about inside you ask? The high was 80f and the low 69f. That is very very livable. This is with no heat at all. So far, I’d say that SIPS are a great way to build and the results are excellent.

The fireplace is working now, but other than using it a couple of times for fun, it’s off. I have noticed the floors are getting colder. This slab has no insulation so it’s going to get colder and colder as the ground outside cools. I ordered some moccasins as my feet are naturally cold to begin with. (Since I was a small child I wanted moccasins… it’s never too late. :)  One thing (temperature-wise) about this house is that the south most room is clearly the warmest and it gets colder the more you are to the north–not a surprise. So, here we are headed into our first winter with no concerns.

Karen has gotten us into something new:  Fil mjolk… or just fil (phil) as we call it. Basically, it’s a bacteria that does interesting things with milk products. It’s also like sourdough in that you keep it around as a starter. I have a friend who lives in Sweden where it’s very common and very popular. He gave us a few tips, but mostly it’s been Karen figuring out what to do with it. Most simply you put it in some milk and let it sit out for 12-24 hours, until it thickens. The longer you let it set the thinker it gets. Also, half and half produces a thicker fil. When it’s on the thin side, it’s nice on cereal and particularly granola. When it’s thicker and it’s more like sour cream or yogurt. (Unlike making yogurt, there’s no heat needed… other than what is in your house.) Yesterday Karen made fil into cream cheese. Wow! It’s so good. That was a little harder. You take fil that’s ready to eat and then heat it. Once it’s reached the proper temperature you let it cool and then put it into cheesecloth. The whey drips out and there it is… cream cheese – amazing! Karen’s using goats milk too. This gives you a thicker fil and is not recommended as a starter. We’ve even made it from soy milk — I was surprised it worked, but it was tasty.

We are off to work on the farm in a bit. Pleasantly, we are still surprised with the things we are learning there. The lettuce is as lovely as it has ever been right now. Apparently it can freeze without obvious side effects. The basil (on the other hand) died and turned black after the first really cold night; a total loss. The tomatoes too died off, we are now learning all the things to do with green tomatoes. I used to think green tomatoes were just a local thing to do in certain parts of the country… now I know it’s what you do when you have tomatoes that got green that you can’t bear see go to waste. It’s also interesting to see that the propagation house is being planted now for stuff that will go in the ground in January / February. Also, things like garlic and onions are in the ground now.

A small update on the solar power… I did adjust our panels for winter on the first of November. Karen’s dad was here and gave me a hand. I can do it by myself, but it’s easier and less risky and certainly more fun with help. I noticed some gain in power, but not a ton. I think our panels are pretty forgiving as far as positioning goes. Also, we are seeing a lot more sun than I was lead to expect. All the people I talked to and all I read said to count on 6 1/2 hours a sun a day in the winter-even where we are located. (Yes, we have not reached the solstice yet.) Right now, we are getting measurable sun (.5 KWH or better) for 10 hours a day.

I have picked out a generator. We’re going with a model from Generac. I’m waiting a bit because I need to get one of the newest versions because they have a 2-wire kit that can be added on so it’ll work with our solar equipment.

That’s it for now except for a bit on the weather here… It very much seems that here there is almost always a time of day that is lovely. During the summer we often hide out when it’s hottest, but the evenings outside are always awesome. Right now, the nights are a little cold, but the middle of the day is sunny and warm (75ish). In the middle of winter it’s a lot colder, but it’ll be warm inside and there’s lots of sun in our office. Living the life…

Summary thoughts [foodchoices]

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

If you haven’t had time to read the many voluminous posts on food issues I’ve written lately, perhaps you would have time to watch this short video that summarizes some of the main points.

(For those interested, I did my presentation on this topic at our local “Heritage Days” event this weekend. It was very well received, and I think it will make a difference in how people think about their food choices.)

This concludes this series of posts…for now. I can’t promise I won’t write more about food politics in the future though. ;)

When it all seems like too much [foodchoices]

Monday, September 20th, 2010

At the end of the book The Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter, the authors say:

“When one ethical concern is heaped upon another and we struggle to be sure that our purchases do not contribute to slave labor, animal exploitation, land degradation, wetland pollution, rural depopulation, unfair trade practices, global warming, and the destruction of rainforests [all issues that the authors explore], it may all seem so complicated that we could be tempted to forget about everything except eating what we like and can afford.”

They go on to say that it is important not to lose heart. Doing something…doing whatever you can do… is important.

Here are some ideas for things you can do that make a difference.

  • Make the best choices for you.
  • Vote with your dollars.
  • Know your food!
  • Start a garden.
  • Visit a farm stand or farmer’s market.
  • Look into the local food co-op.
  • Buy local.
  • Get to know your neighbors.
  • Eat local (non-factory-farmed) eggs.
  • Support your local farms.
  • Eat completely local food one day a month (or week).
  • Eat organic.
  • Try Meatless Mondays.
  • Buy local and seasonal.
  • Learn to cook something new.
  • Compost
  • Visit a local farm.
  • Eat food that you love!
  • Freeze, pickle, can, dry.
  • Think about selling or bartering things you make or grow.
  • Have a local potluck.
  • Eat heirloom.
  • Buy whole food.
  • Learn more about community self-sufficiency.
  • Find out about community-supported
    agriculture (CSA).
  • Help build our local farmer’s market.
  • Get to know others who are interested in food choices.
  • Share what you’ve learned with someone else.

If I can do it… [foodchoices]

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

Often when I talk about food, the subject of cooking comes up. People say something like “Yeah, well, if I could cook like you, I’d eat better (or make better food choices).”

Well, I’m here to tell you that anyone can cook.

When I think about people who I know that are reading this, they mostly fall into two groups: people who knew me before I could cook and can’t imaging me cooking (pre-Africa) and people have known me since and therefore think I have always been a good cook. The truth is that for most of my life, I did not cook. I ate out a lot, and when I tried to cook, it was mostly to heat up simple already-prepared food (and even that didn’t always work out).

So what turned me into a good cook? I have no idea really, except for a desire to learn and lots of good resources (Food TV, YouTube, many good cookbooks, great magazines).

Now that I can cook, I can’t imagine what all the fuss is about. With only a few exceptions (e.g. souffles), most of the stuff I make is very basic. Many dishes involve only a few ingredients and follow the same basic steps. For example, all the soups I make are basically the same. Start with sauteing onions and garlic; add a tablespoon of flour; whisk in broth or milk; add whatever the soup is (potatoes, squash, tomatoes, leaks, etc.) and use an immersion blender.

And now that I do cook, I’d almost always rather cook something that eat out.

I am so convinced that anyone can cook that I have thought about starting my own line of cooking videos. All it takes is a little time and the willingness to succeed. (A few other people I know who have recently started cooking more have verified this.)

And the pay-offs are worth it. Not only will you save money, but you’ll enjoy your food more and eat healthier.

The food served in restaurants is loaded with extra fat, sugar, and salt. Even store-bought prepared food is not the healthiest. The further you get from whole foods, the harder to know where your food came from and what exactly is in it.

If you are interested in making healthy and satisfying food choices, but don’t currently “think you can cook,” give it a try. I think you’ll be glad you did.