It’s been a while since I’ve done an update on construction, and we’ve been busy.
Since finishing the stucco, we’ve concentrated on the inside of the house. We completed finishing the vigas, got the door frames in, and redesigned the fireplace setup. Most significantly, electrical and (rough) plumbing are now pretty much done. We have working lights and switches and wires everywhere. Lots of decisions to make about what kind of lights, what goes where, and which switch controls which thing. Lots of pulling wire.
All this is is in preparation for having the foam insulation sprayed in. (As you might remember, the ceiling and double-framed walls will have insulation blown in to make the house super-insulated against both hot and cold weather.) We have an appointment to have that done the week after next.
And so where does dry wall come in, you ask? Well, before foaming, we are dry walling in the window wells so that they can be foamed in tight.

They look much more finished and very nice this way.
After the foam, the next steps will be to start framing in some interior details like closets (yay!), a window bench seat, and the kitchen bar. Fun stuff.