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Monday, May 30th, 2016

We love the show “Splendid Table” (“the show for people who love to eat”…yeah, that’s us). Awhile back,they had a show on something called toum, a Lebanese garlic paste that was described as being light and fluffy like whipped egg whites. We knew we’d have to make it some time.

This week, we just harvested our garlic. And when we do that, there are always a few bulbs that get scuffed or something and need to be used sooner rather than later. Perfect opportunity!

While this toum sounded a little fussy to make, it wasn’t that hard. Only a few  ingredients: lots of garlic, canola oil, salt, lemon juice, and water. And the results — oh my, this stuff is amazing!

Toum can be used as a dip, for garlic bread, as a sandwich spread, in marinades or sauces, in eggs, or in soups, just to mention a few possibilities.

This will be for sale at this week’s farmers market. Very gourmet.


Working on a new project

Sunday, May 29th, 2016

Stay tuned for more details as this takes shape.


Spring greens

Friday, May 27th, 2016

This week I remembered to take a picture when the beds were uncovered.


The greenhouse is looking good as well.

eggplants and peppers

eggplants and peppers


chard and edamame

green beans

green beans



Thursday, May 19th, 2016

We’ve had more than our share of struggles with the garden this year — beds of greens munched to the ground multiple times despite being covered, artichoke plants eaten beyond recovery, even the lemon grass got mowed down by something (most likely deer), a whole bed of tomato starts eaten down by the vole.

We keep trying though and are finally having some success. The new greenhouse is doing great, and we could be harvesting from it within a couple weeks. I also tried a new setup for greens in our regular beds where I put down a sheet of agribon (row cover) and then covered that with two layers of insect netting (the same stuff that we cover the hoops with — which has been getting chewed through and dug under — but this time I put it right on the ground with lots of rocks on the edges). This has worked well. I suspect that the animals either haven’t figured out what’s under there or they can’t easily get in. Probably both. At least for now.

Today we had our first harvest big enough to sell some of — arugula, tat soi, and lettuce all coming in strong. It will be nice to have our produce at the market this week in addition to bread, other baked goods, and pesto.


Garden update

Sunday, May 1st, 2016

Challenges with the rodents continue, but a seed library meeting on Friday motivated me to double down and work harder on the garden. This weekend I replanted a bed of greens and covered it more securely (I hope). I also planted cover crop in two beds that were hit hard with rodent tunnels last fall, deciding to try to enrich the soil and not worry about what eats the plants. (And if this goes well, I may sneak in a few edible plants as things grow up.) You’d think the animals would be happy eating this and not bother the other things, but it doesn’t seem to work that way.

We harvested our first few garlic as well. We only finished last year’s garlic about a month ago (and are finding store bought garlic to be quite inferior) so we are almost to the point of growing enough to last a whole year.


We are eating asparagus and strawberries from the garden, and the onions are looking very good.

I’m also realizing that the new greenhouse may be our best shot at food this summer. It was getting very hot in there last week (over 100 degrees, even when it was only in the 70s outside), so we made some adjustments — a new fan, shade cloth on the ceiling, and some nice new screen doors (thanks to the friend who originally had the greenhouse). It’s much better now.

I now have green beans, edamame, chard, radishes, and cucumbers growing in it. And just yesterday, lettuce germinated! (Yay…I didn’t know if the soil was cool enough.) Peppers and eggplants are also going in this week.

I am doing all this with the knowledge that this might not survive the hottest part of summer, but I am hopeful. Farming is indeed an act of faith.


The cussingest project ever

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Back in December, a friend of ours said he was getting rid of a small greenhouse and asked us if we wanted it. “Sure,” we said, especially with all the recent damage to our gardens from critters. A more sheltered environment sounded very appealing.

So in January, we went out to move this greenhouse. It was a very cold and windy day, and the greenhouse didn’t come down easy. It clearly wasn’t meant to be disassembled and reassembled. Also, the plastic material in the panels was beginning to fall apart. (Not coincidentally, the greenhouse was seven years old, which was the duration of the warranty.) The sound of the plastic panels breaking as we did this made me cringe, and by the end of the day, my hands and feet were numb with cold. Even taken apart, the parts barely fit in our truck bed, and we had to drive very slowly partly with Brad in the back.

This was the first of many times, we reconsidered the decision to proceed with this.

As with any construction here, we had to consider high winds, so the first thing we did was plan to pour a partial concrete slab to anchor the greenhouse to so it wouldn’t blow away. We also dug out the whole area that would be the interior beds in the greenhouse so we could filter all the dirt. (This is a standard part of making beds here because of all the rocks in our soil.) We also decided to put wire mesh hardware cloth about 6 inches below the floor of the beds to try to prevent rodents from tunneling in. All of this was quite a bit of work.


the site before we began


the dissembled greenhouse (ugh)


concrete done and screening down


filtering dirt

Next, we began putting together various pieces of the structure. Of course, being spring, we had some windy days during this and so had to use various bracing and hope for the best.

Along the way, more plastic broke, and it was evident that the roof needed to be completely replaced. We considered several options (the same corrugated polycarbonate material as the original manufacturer, sheet plastic, clear corrugated roofing material, etc.), and ultimately decided to go with clear corrugated. Though it wasn’t cheap, it was easy to work with and seems like it will be very durable. Eventually, we are likely to be replacing the material in the walls as well and may use the same material.

Four months from beginning to end, we finished it this weekend.

One concern we have is that the greenhouse may get too hot and kill what’s growing in it. We installed a new vent to try to forestall this and may put in additional screening and shade cloth as well.

For now, I am very eager to get things growing in here. It’s the time of the year for lots of new little seedlings to go in so the timing is great. Stay tuned for updates.




inside, including shelving


clear new roof

Off and running

Friday, April 8th, 2016

So our new farmers market started last week to great fanfare. We had great attendance and sold nearly everything we took. It’s a little early in the year for much from the garden so I took a lot of microgreens, bread, and other baked goods.


There were so many people there the first week that I wondered if anyone would come the next week. But then this week was just as good. A little different traffic pattern — a few less people and nearly everyone in the first 20 minutes or so — but we sold just as much. The community has shown great support.

This week I added dried beans, focaccia, and pizza dough to what we were selling. (Others are selling asparagus, but we’re opting to eat all of ours. :) One thing I’m seeing clearly is that prepared food sells faster than anything.

It will be good to have more produce available to sell as we get more into the summer.


Monday, April 4th, 2016

A few weeks ago, I saw an announcement on Twitter about an upcoming open house at Spaceport America. It was free, and we’d always wanted to visit, so we sent in for tickets.

For those who don’t know, the spaceport concept is to create a sort of airport for space travel. There are 10 spaceports in the country, and they are a part of the plant to privatize and commercialize space travel.

Spaceport America is about 4 hours from us in New Mexico, east of Truth or Consequence and west of White Sands. While the facility itself is state-owned, it’s main tenant and sponsor is Virgin Galactic. Other tenants include SpaceX and Google.

The open house was great. We saw the main hanger, which is an amazing building, and a training simulator of Virgin’s latest ship.

Interesting facts from our visit:

  • The huge 110,000 square foot hanger we were in (see pictures below) is LEED Gold certified. Very impressive.
  • There are both horizontal and vertical launch areas at the facility.
  • Spaceport benefits from a partnership with White Sands, giving them access to that protected airspace.
  • There are a number of revenue streams beyond the renting of space and construction of terminals for various space companies (“design your own spaceport.”). These include renting the facility out as a movie set and leasing it for events. (We learned all about this through a rather odd presentation by the Spaceport’s business development team. They seemed to have regarded everyone in the audience as potential customers.)
  • A lot of very rich (mostly older people) have pre-booked their tourist trips to space. There is no projected date for when these might happen, but it doesn’t seem like it will be any time soon.

And for those interested in a space-themed visit, this isn’t too far from the Very Large Array. There are guided daily tours of Spaceport available for a whopping $50.

After our Spaceport visit, we went to the hot spring spas in Truth or Consequences. (Yes, this town changed its name in the 1950s as a part of a contest sponsored by the game show.) They were fabulous and are highly recommended. We stayed at one on the banks of the Rio Grande, which had more water flowing than we’ve ever seen.


Garden update

Sunday, March 20th, 2016

It’s been sunny and warm here in the days, which is motivating me to work on the garden. (Still in the 40s at night, and we had a frost last week that damaged the pomegranates though.)

Our garlic is looking better than ever this year.

DSC_2414 DSC_2411

The onions I put in a little over a month ago are doing well too.

This weekend, I planted lettuce, radishes, and green beans. The starts in the house (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant) are thriving as well. And we’re harvesting asparagus.


Big news here is that we are starting a small farmers market in Portal. I don’t know how it will go (I expect more demand than supply), but I am committed to selling weekly through the end of summer. It starts Fri., April 1, so stay tuned for more updates on that.

portal farmers market flyer

Me, the human pin cushion

Sunday, March 13th, 2016

Credit: Marnie Joyce (Note: This is not me. :)

Growing up in Ohio, I had terrible allergies. Then when I moved to California, my allergies abated. Over the last 7 years in Arizona, the allergies returned and have worsened over time. Last year was awful. Over the counter remedies and herbal potions have done little to help.

An acquaintance told me that he had found relief with acupuncture.

Those of you who know me know that I don’t like needles. When I went to Africa and needed a large series of shots, I had to get hypnotherapy to cope with it. Since then I’ve avoided shots of any kind.

But still, acupuncture seemed possible and was definitely more palatable than a visit to the doctor (something else I’ve avoided.)

So last week, on a whim and encouraged by Brad, I gave acupuncture a try. It was a little uncomfortable but overall not too bad. I was a little tense, but I didn’t pass out and got through it. (They did use very fine pediatric needles. :)

We’ll see if a) I keep up with this and b) it helps. Stay tuned.