Drone cowpokes

Written by karen on November 14th, 2023

Every once in a while, we’ve had cows get on our property even though it’s fenced. Sometimes a delivery driver leaves the gate open or something else random lets the cows enter.

Last week I looked up from my bed to see a large black momma cow and her baby grazing on our otherwise unmunched grass and felt dread at having to chase them off. (Cows here are very skittish, and chasing them without benefit or horses or dogs is challenging.)

But last year, Brad came up with a new solution to the challenge that works great — a drone!

This solved the problem in minutes, rather than the hours it used to take. Much safer too.

drone’s eye view


3 Comments so far ↓

  1. Algot Runeman says:

    Technology solutions:

    Though they are not so common as we might wish, congratulations to you both for solving your problem…and that of your cow keeping neighbor while having a tool to take aerial photos of the event!

    Your off-grid life is a treat to follow. Thanks for keeping up this blog.

  2. My uncle in TN once asked me about getting an ultralight to herd his cattle. I could only imagine bad things happening. However, drones… great idea!

  3. Bob Murphy says:

    Hey, no contact info for you…. Remember the Palm Pilot? May be in your area in February. Bob and Jody.

Reply to Algot Runeman